It may be just that time of year, when it’s cold outside and the nights are long and we find our thoughts turning, inevitably, to our health and wellbeing. So, along with our creative and craft workshops, we have been focusing on well-being. We have introduced two new types of workshop in to our calendar for February and March, focused on health and wellness.
Quitting sugar is the current buzzword for health and our wellbeing workshops were bursting at the seems with facts, tips, menus and encouragement.
With celebrity endorsed cookery books brimming with sugar free recipes all over the shelves, radio interviews and telly programmes, there just has to be something in it, right?
We hosted a dozen ladies, all keen to learn about why sugar is so bad for us and how on earth we tackle cutting it down and out of our diets for good.
To ease us in to the day we enjoyed a Tai Chi session led by the lovely Jo Perry who imparted a sense of calm and happiness to our slightly nervous bodies. Our cook, Barbara Darling, cooked up some sugar free muffins and fruit kebabs for breakfast before a full-on session with our sugar expert, Bee Innes. A qualified nutritionist, Bee has studied nutrition for the past six years and gave out some surprising facts about how addictive sugar is. We looked at alternatives to sugar (some good, some not so good) and we were each given an in depth book of recipes, tips and exercises to take away with us.
Lunch was organic and also free of processed sugar and the triumph of the culinary day had to be the berry sorbet, sweetened with honey and truly delicious!
A well deserved gong bath concluded the day and allowed space for all that new information to soak in as we allowed the sound waves to flow through our bodies as we lay on yoga mats underneath cosy blankets and drifted off.
What an uplifting, thought provoking way to spend a winter’s day!
P.S. If you’re gutted you missed it, don’t panic! There’s another Quit Sugar & Wellness workshop on the 28th of March!
It really does. Not only to the millions of women suffering symptoms whilst continuing to balance working life and family life, but also to employers who are beginning to understand that, as part of staff welfare, this topic needs to be taken seriously and addressed.
As part of our well-being calendar, we are pleased to bring you this very first ‘menopause’ workshop on Wednesday 2nd March.
This multi-faceted day is designed to bring you a sense of well being whilst learning tips and practical techniques to help you better manage the symptoms of menopause. It’s a ‘hot’ topic at the moment, perhaps as half the planet will go through it and, until recently, has been a taboo subject. We will start our day with a Tai Chi session. No matter if you’ve never done this before, it is gentle and uplifting and has a focusing effect on a busy brain.
The gorgeously sunny Mindy Cowap is our inspirational speaker. She is passionate about ‘breathing life into life’ and will share her own experiences and her inspirational attitude to living life to the full whilst going through the menopause years and beyond.
You will enjoy an Aromatherapy session, where you will learn how scents can influence mood, learn how to soothe racing pulse points and make your own fragranced oils to take away.
Finally, you will have a session with our ‘Menopause Godmother’, Emma Guy, who will share her own story and equip you with facts and practical tips to help you navigate the myriad symptoms of menopause including hot sweats, mood swings and sleepless nights.
All this is brought to you in a beautiful, calming environment, with breakfast and home-cooked lunch served alongside day-long refreshments.
Join us and take control of this natural life stage.
Ticket price is £160.00